A Quick Introduction
We offer Firearms Training and Consulting. ( and a little fishing too )
We routinely run NRA and MCRGO certified education programs year round. If you are looking for an organized course in a friendly environment where you can learn then this is the place.
We welcome everyone from beginners to the most experienced. My view is that we can all learn something and I find I learn as much from the students as they learn from me.
We also are happy to have your group come in for some general fun time as part of an outing or team building afternoon. Feel free to contact me with thoughts. We do have some firearms for rent if needed.
Please feel free to also visit us on our Facebook page
Our Philosophy
Everyone learns.....Even us.
We are proud to offer an environment of no pressure and family style fun. Everyone leaves their egos at the door, You will find that the surroundings and the people are just nice to be around.
Let us Show you what Family Friendly Firearms Training is all about
We invite you as Friends.
You leave as part of the Family
Let's Have Fun
Team Building and Birthday Parties
Concealed Pistol Classes
Holster work
Purse Carry
Womens Only
Learn Your New Gun

Jay Cooper
Jay has been involved in emergency services for 37 years, 21 years as a licensed professional instructor. Jay spent 4 years in law enforcement. He is a long time serious firearms enthusiast and NRA firearms instructor. Jay has a tremendous in depth knowledge of firearms function and use. He has been teaching firearms safety and use to EMS and Law Enforcement for over 22 years and NRA courses to the Public for the last 7 years. Jay also has Instructor training through The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners and is certified to teach that course as well

Tim Deshano
Tim is a long time firearms enthusiast and avid outdoors man with 25 years experience maintaining safety around firearms. Tim is committed to making sure your time at Uncle Jays Pond is both educational and fun while maintaining the strictest of safety standards. Tim has been part of our team for 3 years.

Greg Cooper
Greg has many years of experience with handgun shooting and teaching techniques. He is an accomplished marksman with many different pistol and rifle platforms and strives to make every experience fun and safe while you learn. Greg has been part of the team for 8 years.
Strong Second Amendment Support
The Constitution is meant to Guide our government and Protect We The People from Tyranny.
The Bill of Rights is sound and should not be changed because at times its protections are uncomfortable. The Second Amendment protects the others and the others are just as much at risk. Therefore we are always watching and working to ensure that politicians do not degrade our protections based on a short lived political climate. .